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Product Description ErythromycinNumber of Containers:1 Shipping Conditions:RT UNSPSC Code:51101500 UNSPSC Category:Antibiotics and Antimycotics CAS:[114-07-8] Grade:USP DG:No Storage:18 to 25C Sterile:Yes Stock:Usually in Stock Documents COA SDS Ā  Disclaimer: For laboratory...


Introduction: Bradford method utilizes Coomassie Brillant Blue G-250 dye binding to an unknown protein and Ā forming a complex which can be detected spectophotometrically at 595 nm. Ā  Features: Rapid and...

DNase I ā€“DD0099 (D0099)

Description:Ā  Bio Basic Incā€™s DNase I (catalogue DD0099) is an endonuclease derived from bovine pancreas that will degrade double-stranded DNA in the presence of divalent cations, producing 3ā€-OH oligonucleotides. Mg2+...


Product DescriptionĀ  Molecular Formula: C2H6OĀ  Molecular Weight: 46.07Ā  CAS Number: 64-17-5Ā  Boiling point: 78.15 Ā°C1Ā  Density: 0.81 g/ml1Ā  Synonym: ethyl alcohol This product is 95% (190 proof) ethanol and has...

Microporous Membranes for Blotting Proteins and Nucleic Acids

Description BIO BASIC's NYLON microporous membranes are solid phase supports with high binding characteristics for biologically active molecules. They provide high surface area matrices for immobilization of nucleic acids and...

DEPC Water

Description Sterile water treated with diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC). DNAse: None detectedĀ  RNAse: None detectedĀ  Protease: None detectedĀ  Sterility: To pass test Ā  PackagingĀ  500ml in Plastic bottle Ā  Precautions and...


Description Molecular Formula: CHCl3Ā  Molecular Weight: 119.4Ā  CAS Number: 67-66-3Ā  Density: 1.484 g/ml (20 Ā°C)1Ā  Boiling Point: 61 - 62 Ā°C1Ā  Melting Point: -63.5 Ā°C1Ā  Synonym: trichloromethane, methylidine trichloride This...

Protein A Agarose Resin - Biofargo

DescriptionĀ  Protein A agarose (cat. No. BSP096, BSP095) is useful for affinity purification and isolation of IgG. Protein A, a bacterial cell wall protein isolated from Staphylococcus aureus, binds to...

Protein A Agarose Resin - Biofargo

DescriptionĀ  Protein A agarose (cat. No. BSP096, BSP095) is useful for affinity purification and isolation of IgG. Protein A, a bacterial cell wall protein isolated from Staphylococcus aureus, binds to...

Proteinase K 20 mg/ml Solution - Biofargo

Description Catalogue NumberB902401-0005 Size: 5 ml Source: Tritirachium album Ā  Form:Ā Proteinase K dissolved in 25mM Tris-HCl, 10mM Calcium Hydrochloride, 50% Glycerol to a final concentration of 20 mg/ml. Ā  Activity...

Albumin, heat shock isolation pH7.0

Product Description Albumin, heat shock isolation pH 7.0: Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) is a protein widely used in research and industry. It has varied applications as an enzyme/protein stabilizer, a...

Penicillin G, sodium salt

Product Description Penicillin G, sodium salt Number of Containers: 1 Shipping Conditions: RT UNSPSC Code: 51101500Ā  UNSPSC Category: Antibiotics and Antimycotics CAS: [69-57-8] Grade: EP DG: No Storage: 18 to...

Glutamate Dehydrogenase (NADP+ )

Reaction Equation L-Glutamate + H2O + NADP+ = 2-Oxoglutarate + NH3 + NADPH Ā  Specifications Specific Activity ( IU/mg protein ) > 10 U/mg proteinĀ (in case of using L-Glutamate as...

PBS Powder (Phosphate buffered saline)

Description This PBS formulation is recommended for use in immunohistology protocols.Ā  Each package makes 1 L of 10 concentrated PBS or 10 liters of 1 x solution. Each 1 x...


Description Molecular Formula: C5H11NO2SĀ  Molecular Weight: 149.2Ā  CAS Number: 63-68-3Ā  pKA: 2.28, 9.21Ā  Melting Point: 280 - 282 Ā°CĀ  Rotation: +23.40 (50 mg/ml, 6 M HCl, 20 Ā°C) Methionine is...

Lysozyme for Molecular Biolog - Biofargo

Description Lysozyme Total Product Size: LDB0308 (1g) LDB0308 (5g) LDB0308 (100g) Number of Containers:1 Refrigeration Requirements:Freezer Shipping Conditions:ICE UNSPSC Code:12352204 UNSPSC Category:Glycosidases CAS:[12650-88-3] Grade:Biotech DG:No Storage:(-15 to -20)ā„ƒ Sterile:Yes Ā ...


Description Imidazole: Imidazole can be used to prepare buffers in the pH range of 6.2-7.8 at 25 oC. It is also a chelator for the binding of various divalent cations.Imidazole...

INT dye (Iodonitrotetrazolium chloride)

Description INT dye Number of Containers:1 Refrigeration Requirements:Freezer Shipping Conditions:ICE UNSPSC Code:12171500 UNSPSC Category:Dyes and Stains CAS:[146-68-9] Grade:High Purity DG:No Storage:(-15 to -20)ā„ƒ Sterile:No Ā  Documents COA SDS Ā  Disclaimer:...

Hybridization cocktails, IV 50% Formamide

Description Hybridization cocktails, IV 50% Formamide: Hybridization cocktails are formulated to optimize complimentary base-pairing of DNA and RNA for Southern, Northern, and in situ hybridizations. Each component serves to facilitate...


Description Iodoacetamide: IAN is an irreversible inhibitor of many cysteine proteases. However, it is not highly specific for the active site cysteine residue of proteases and can inhibit many enzymes....

Hybridization cocktails III, 0% Formamide

Description Hybridization cocktails III, 0% Formamide: Hybridization cocktails are formulated to optimize complimentary base-pairing of DNA and RNA for Southern, Northern, and in situ hybridizations. Each component serves to facilitate...

Isoamyl alcohol (Isopentyl Alcohol, 3-Methylbutanol)

Description Isoamyl alcohol (Isopentyl Alcohol, 3-Methylbutanol): This product is designated as Molecular Biology grade and is suitable for use in nucleic acid purification. 3-Methyl-1-butanol, commonly called isoamyl alcohol,is routinely used...

Hybridization cocktails II, 50% Formamide

Description Hybridization cocktails II, 50% Formamide: Hybridization cocktails are formulated to optimize complimentary base-pairing of DNA and RNA for Southern, Northern, and in situ hybridizations. Each component serves to facilitate...

Linear Poly Acrylamide (LPA) Solution (5mg/ml)

Description Linear Poly Acrylamide Solution (5mg/ml): The purification of nucleic acids for PCR, RT-PCR and other enzymatic reactions by alcohol precipitation is an essential step to yield high-quality results. Traditional...

Malate dehydrogenase (MDH)- Biofargo

Description Malate dehydrogenase Total Product Size:25KU Individual Container Size:25KU Number of Containers:1 Refrigeration Requirements:Freezer Shipping Conditions:ICE UNSPSC Code:12352204 UNSPSC Category:Other Enzymes CAS:[9001-64-3] DG:No Storage:(-15 to -20)C Sterile:Yes Ā  Documents COA...

Hybridization cocktails I, 0% Formamide

Description Hybridization cocktails I, 0% Formamide: Hybridization cocktails are formulated to optimize complimentary base-pairing of DNA and RNA for Southern, Northern, and in situ hybridizations. Each component serves to facilitate...

DL-Maleic acid (Toxilic acid)

Description DL-Maleic acid (Toxilic acid) Total Product Size:250g Individual Container Size:250g Number of Containers:1 Shipping Conditions:RT UNSPSC Code:12161700 UNSPSC Category:Buffers CAS:[110-16-7] Grade:Reagent DG:No Storage:18 to 25ā„ƒ Sterile:No Ā  Documents COA...

MOPS, free acid

Description MOPS, free acid Total Product Size: MB0360 (100g) MB0360 (500g) MB0360 (10Kg) Number of Containers:1 Shipping Conditions:RT UNSPSC Code:12161700 UNSPSC Category:Buffers CAS:[1132-61-2] Grade:High Purity DG:No Storage:18 to 25ā„ƒ Sterile:No...


Description Methanol: The major end uses for Methanol are in Formaldehyde), Methyl Tertiary-Buytl Ether (MTBE) (the fastest growing segment of the Methanol market) and in the production of Acetic Acid...

Eco-Stain Plus, ready to use

Description Eco-Stain Plus, ready to use: DNA, singleā€stranded DNA and RNA in Agarose gels. This dye replaces Ethidium Bromide (toxic, potenal mutagen) for visualizaon of DNA or RNA in Agarose...

Eco-White-DNA Dye, ready to use

Description Eco-White-DNA Dye, ready to use: DNA, singleā€stranded DNA and RNA in Agarose gels. This dye replaces Ethidium Bromide (toxic, potenal mutagen) for visualizaon of DNA or RNA in Agarose...

Eco-Red-DNA Dye, ready to use

Description Eco-Red-DNA Dye, ready to use: DNA, singleā€stranded DNA and RNA in Agarose gels. This dye replaces Ethidium Bromide (toxic, potenal mutagen) for visualizaon of DNA or RNA in Agarose...

Nitrocellulose Membrane 0.22um

Description Nitrocellulose Membrane 0.22um Total Product Size:5UNIT Individual Container Size:5UNIT Number of Containers:1 Shipping Conditions:RT UNSPSC Code:41105300 UNSPSC Category:Western Blotting Kit Components DG:No Storage:18 to 25ā„ƒ Sterile:No Ā  Documents COA...

Eco-Green-DNA Dye, Ready-to-use

Description DNA, singleā€stranded DNA and RNA in Agarose gels. This dye replaces Ethidium Bromide (toxic, potential mutagen) for visualization of DNA or RNA in Agarose gel. Ecoā€DNA Dye products are...


Description n-Octyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside Number of Containers:1 Refrigeration Requirements:Freezer Shipping Conditions:ICE UNSPSC Code:12161902 UNSPSC Category:Detergents/Surfactants CAS:[29836-26-8] Grade:Reagent DG:No Storage:(-15 to -20)ā„ƒ Sterile:No Ā  Documents COA SDS Ā  Disclaimer: For laboratory research use...

Eco-Stain, ready to use (EtBr alternative)

Description Eco-Stain, ready to use: DNA, singleā€stranded DNA and RNA in Agarose gels. This dye replaces Ethidium Bromide (toxic, potential mutagen) for visualization of DNA or RNA in Agarose gel....

Oil Red O

Description Oil Red O ProcedureĀ  Prepare a 0.2% (w/v) Oil Red O stock solution in methanol.Ā  Prepare staining solution by mixing 35 ml of stock solution from step 1 with...

Lentifectin (TM) Transfection Reagent

Description Lentifectin (TM) Transfection Reagent: Lentifectinā„¢ is a transfection reagent specially formulated with multiple cationic polymers for the production of Lentiviral particles in vitro. Lentiviral supernatants produced using Lentifectinā„¢ mediated...


Description Oxyhemoglobin Total Product Size:100mg Individual Container Size:100mg Number of Containers:1 Refrigeration Requirements:Freezer Shipping Conditions:ICE UNSPSC Code:12352202 UNSPSC Category:Other Proteins Grade:Biotech DG:No Storage:(-15 to -20)ā„ƒ Sterile:Yes Ā  Documents COA info...


Description DNA-fectamine: DNAfectamine Transfection Reagent comprises of four unique formulations of polycations and liposomes, which will guarantee high transfection efficiency and low cytotoxicity for any cell type including primary cells....

Polymyxin B sulfate- Biofargo

Description Polymyxin B sulfate: Polymyxin B sulfate (PMB) is a strongly cationic cyclic polypeptide antibiotic isolated from fermentation of Bacillus polymyxa. PMB is a variable mixture of B1 and B2...

Destaining bags

Description Destaining bags: Ethidium Bromide is an extremely useful, easy-to-use dye for visualizing nuclei acids in solution and in agarose and in agarose electrophoresis. Although the recent introduction of Ethidium...


Description PMSF Total Product Size: PB0425 (5g) PB0425 (25g) Number of Containers:1 Shipping Conditions:RT UNSPSC Code:12352200 UNSPSC Category:Protease Inhibitors Hazard Class:Class 6.1(8) Hazard UN:UN2928 Hazard PG:PGII CAS:[329-98-6] Grade:High Purity DG:Yes...


Product Description DNASE I, RNASE FREE: Deoxyribonuclease I (DNAse I) efficiently hydrolyzes single-stranded or double-stranded DNA in the presence of divalent cations, producing 3ā€™- hydroxyl oligonucleotides. Useful in crucial RNA...

Potassium persulfate

Description Potassium persulfate Total Product Size:250g Individual Container Size:250g Number of Containers:1 Shipping Conditions:RT UNSPSC Code:12352200 UNSPSC Category:Biochemical Reagents Hazard Class:Class 5.1 Hazard UN:UN1492 Hazard PG:PGII CAS:[7727-21-1] Grade:Reagent DG:Yes Storage:18...

dNTP Set (100mM each)

Product Description Product SummaryĀ  DNase, RNase: None detected Suitable for use in the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). NTP set solution contains four deoxynucleotides as separated solutions, pH6.8-7.2:Ā  100 mM dATPĀ ...

dNTP mixture (25mM)

Product Description Product SummaryĀ  DNase, RNase: None detected. Suitable for use in the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). dNTP Mix is a solution containing each of the four deoxynucleotides as follows:...

PEG 6000 (Polyethylene glycol)

Description PEG 6000 (Poly(ethylene glycol)): Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is a condensation polymer of ethylene oxide and water. PEG's are susceptible to oxidative degradation in the presence of air. Minimizing the...

dNTP mixture (10mM)

Product Description dNTP mixture (10mM) Product Summary DNase, RNase: None detected. Suitable for use in the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). PCR Suitability dNTP Mix is a solution containing each of...

Proteinase K

Description Proteinase K Total Product Size: PB0451 (50mg) PB0451 (250mg) PB0451 (1g) Number of Containers:1 Refrigeration Requirements:Freezer Shipping Conditions:ICE UNSPSC Code:12352202 UNSPSC Category:Proteases CAS:[39450-01-6] Grade:Biotech DG:No Storage:(-15 to -20)ā„ƒ Sterile:Yes...

Pepsin 1: 10, 000

Description Pepsin 1: 10, 000 Total Product Size:100g Individual Container Size:100g Number of Containers:1 Refrigeration Requirements:Refrigerator Shipping Conditions:ICE UNSPSC Code:12352204 UNSPSC Category:Proteases CAS:[9001-75-6] Grade:High Purity DG:No Storage:2 to 8ā„ƒ Sterile:Yes...

RNase and DNAase Away (TM) - RNAase and DNA contamination removal solution, 200ml- Biofargo

Product Description RNase and DNAase Away (TM) - RNAase and DNA contamination removal solution: It efficiently remove surface-contaminant from glasswares and plasticwares without having a residual effect on subsequent DNA...

PIPES, free acid

Description PIPES, free acid Total Product Size:100g Individual Container Size:100g Number of Containers:1 Shipping Conditions:RT UNSPSC Code:12161700 UNSPSC Category:Buffers CAS:[5625-37-6] Grade:High Purity DG:No Storage:18 to 25ā„ƒ Sterile:No Ā  Documents COA...

Protein A

Description Protein A: Protein A is a 40-60 KD surface Protein originally found in the cell wall of the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. It is encoded by the spa gene and...

Phenol-liquid, saturated with water

Description Phenol-liquid, saturated with water Total Product Size:100ml Individual Container Size:100ml Number of Containers:1 Refrigeration Requirements:Refrigerator Shipping Conditions:ICE UNSPSC Code:12352200 UNSPSC Category:Biochemical Reagents Hazard Class:Class 6.1 Hazard UN:UN1671 Hazard PG:PGII...

DEPC (Diethyl pyrocarbonate)

Product Description DEPC Molecular formula: C6H10O5 Diethyl Pyrocarbonate (DEPC) is sensitive to moisture and to pH; it decomposes to ethanol and carbon dioxide in aqueous solution. It decomposes at 155Ā°C....

Phenol, saturated (pH7.9)- Biofargo

Description Phenol, saturate (pH7.9) Number of Containers:1 Refrigeration Requirements:Refrigerator Shipping Conditions:ICE UNSPSC Code:12352200 UNSPSC Category:Biochemical Reagents Hazard Class:Class 6.1 Hazard UN:UN1671 Hazard PG:PGII CAS:[108-95-2] Grade:High Purity DG:Yes Storage:2 to 8ā„ƒ...

Phenol, saturated (pH4.5)

Description Phenol, saturated (pH4.5) Number of Containers:1 Refrigeration Requirements:Refrigerator Shipping Conditions:ICE UNSPSC Code:12352200 UNSPSC Category:Biochemical Reagents Hazard Class:Class 6.1 Hazard UN:UN1671 Hazard PG:PGII CAS:[108-95-2] Grade:High Purity DG:Yes Storage:2 to 8ā„ƒ...

DTT (Cleland's reagent)- Biofargo

Product Description DTT Total Product Size: DB0058 (5g) DB0058 (25g) Number of Containers:1 Refrigeration Requirements:Refrigerator Shipping Conditions:ICE UNSPSC Code:12352200 UNSPSC Category:Biochemical Reagents CAS:[27565-41-9] Grade:Ultra Pure DG:No Storage:2 to 8C Sterile:No...

Paraffin oil (Mineral oil), light fraction

Description Paraffin oil (Mineral oil), light fraction: BIO BASIC INC. offers several kinds of Paraffin products for nearly every application in chemistry and molecular biology. Liquid Paraffin, a mixture of...


Description Product 2ā€™-Deoxythymidine (Thymidine) Formula C10H14N2O5 MW 242.2 CAS# 50-89-5 Product Code DB0049 Ā  Ā  Specification Appearance White powder Purity >98% Heavy Metals (as Pb) <10ppm Loss on drying <0.5%...

SSC Buffer Premix powder- Biofargo

Product Description SSC Buffer 20x Powder is a standard reagent in Southern and Northern blotting procedures. This concentrated powder should be reconstituted in molecular biology grade water to the indicated...

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)

Product Description Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO): Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is a highly polar organic reagent that has exceptional solvent properties for organic and inorganic chemicals. Among its uses in organic synthesis...

PBS (Phosphate buffered saline), 100 ml tablets

Description Application:Ā  Phosphate Buffered Saline tablets have been specifically developed for use in immunoassayĀ procedures. Reconstitution: One tablet dissolved in 100 ml of deionized water yields 1 X PBS buffer. The...

TE buffer pH 8.0 sterile by filtration- Biofargo

Product Description TE buffer pH 8.0 sterile by filtration Total Product Size:450ml Individual Container Size:450ml Number of Containers:1 Shipping Conditions:RT UNSPSC Code:12161700 UNSPSC Category:Buffers Grade:Biotech DG:No Storage:18 to 25C Sterile:Yes...

10 x PBS Solution (Phosphate Buffered Saline)

Description This PBS formulation is recommended for use in immunohistology protocols.Ā  Each package contains 4 L of 10 concentrated PBS or 40 liters of 1 x solution. Each 1 x...

PIPES, sodium salt

Description PIPES, sodium salt Total Product Size:100g Individual Container Size:100g Number of Containers:1 Shipping Conditions:RT UNSPSC Code:12161700 UNSPSC Category:Buffers CAS:[100037-69-2] Grade:High Purity DG:No Storage:18 to 25ā„ƒ Sterile:No Ā  Documents COA...

Agarose A

Product Description Agarose ATotal Product Size:D0012 (50g)D0012 (250g)D0012 (1kg)D0012 (5kg) Number of Containers:1 Shipping Conditions:RT UNSPSC Code:41105317 UNSPSC Category:Agarose CAS:[9012-36-6] Grade:Biotech DG:No Storage:18 to 25C Sterile:NoStock:Usually in Stock Documents INFO...

Calcium chloride, anhydrous

Product Description Calcium chloride, anhydrous: Calcium chloride is a commonly used reagent in biochemistry. Calcium plays important roles in many biological processes, including signal transduction, muscle contraction, and maintenance of...

Ribonuclease A for molecular biology

Description RNase A: Product Description A major application for Ribonuclease A (RNase A) is the removal of RNA from preparations of plasmid DNA. In this application, the presence of DNase...


Product Description ChymostatinTotal Product Size:5mg Individual Container Size:5mg Number of Containers:1 Refrigeration Requirements:Freezer Shipping Conditions:ICE UNSPSC Code:12352200 UNSPSC Category:Protease Inhibitors CAS:[9076-44-2] Grade:Ultra Pure DG:No Storage:(-15 to -20)C Sterile:No Stock:Usually in...

RNase A Solution (10mg/ml)

Description RNase A Solution (10mg/ml) Total Product Size:1ml Individual Container Size:1ml Number of Containers:1 Refrigeration Requirements:Freeze Shipping Conditions:ICE UNSPSC Code:12352204 UNSPSC Category:Other Endonucleases Grade:Biotech DG:No Storage:(-15 to -20)ā„ƒ Sterile:Yes Ā ...

Ribonuclease inhibitor- Biofargo

Description Ribonuclease inhibitor (RNase inhibitor) BIO BASIC INC. RNase Inhibitor is a highly purified, nuclease-free preparation. It is supplied at a concentration of 40,000units/ml, in a buffer containing 20mM HEPES-KOH...

Carbenicillin, disodium salt

Product Description Carbenicillin, disodium salt Total Product Size:CDJ469 (1g)CDJ469 (5g) Number of Containers:1 Refrigeration Requirements:Refrigerator Shipping Conditions:ICE UNSPSC Code:51101500 UNSPSC Category:Antibiotics and Antimycotics CAS:[4800-94-6] Grade:USP DG:No Storage:2 to 8C Sterile:Yes...


Description Rifampicin: Rif is a semisynthetic derivative of rifamycin B and belongs to the rifamycin group of antibiotics.It functions as a bacteriostatic agent by interfering with the synthesis of nucleic...

2xRIPA Buffer I (pH 7.4) 2xconcentrate

Introduction RIPA buffer is one of the most reliable buffers used to lyse cultured mammalian cells from both plated cells and cells pelleted from suspension cultures. This buffer enables protein...

CAPSO, sodium salt

Product Description CAPSO, sodium salt: Molecular Formula: C9H18NO4SNa Molecular Weight: 259.30 The most common buffer for the blotting of proteins to nitrocellulose is the Tris-Glycine buffer (pH 8.3). The transfer...

2xRIPA Buffer II (pH 8.0) 2xconcentrate

Description: 2 x RIPA Buffer II (pH 8.0) 2x concentrate: RIPA buffer is one of the most reliable buffers used to lyse cultured mammalian cells from both plated cells and...

2xRIPA Buffer IIII with EDTA and EGTA (pH 7.4) 2xconcentrate

Description 2 x RIPA Buffer IIII with EDTA and EGTA (pH 7.4) 2x concentrate: RIPA buffer is one of the most reliable buffers used to lyse cultured mammalian cells from...


Product Description Chitosan: MP's chitosan is a partially de-acetylated chitin formed by the reaction of chitin with concentrated alkali. A brief description of chitin will help you understand the nature...

5xRIPA Buffer IV with Triton-X-100 (pH 7.4) 5xconcentrate

Description 5 x RIPA Buffer IV with Triton-X-100 (pH 7.4) 5x concentrate: RIPA buffer is one of the most reliable buffers used to lyse cultured mammalian cells from both plated...

Cytochrome C

Product Description Cytochrome CTotal Product Size:100mg Individual Container Size:100mg Number of Containers:1 Refrigeration Requirements:Freezer Shipping Conditions:ICE UNSPSC Code:12352202 UNSPSC Category:Other Proteins CAS:[9007-43-6] DG:No Storage:(-15 to -20)C Sterile:YesStock:Inquire Documents SDS.CB0354-Cytochrome C.pdf...

Cyclosporin A

Product Description Cyclosporin A: Cyclosporin A (CsA) is a non-polar cyclic oligopeptide metabolite from the fungus Tolypocladium inflatum. It has too narrow a spectrum of antifungal activity to be very...

Sodium sulfate, anhydrate

Description Sodium sulfate, anhydrate: Sodium sulfate is the sodium salt of sulfuric acid. When anhydrous, it is a white crystalline solid of formula Na2SO4 known as the mineral thenardite. Sodium...

Sodium sulfate, anhydrate

Description Sodium sulfate, anhydrate: Sodium sulfate is the sodium salt of sulfuric acid. When anhydrous, it is a white crystalline solid of formula Na2SO4 known as the mineral thenardite. Sodium...

CAPS, free acid

Product Description CAPS, free acidNumber of Containers:1 Shipping Conditions:RT UNSPSC Code:12161700 UNSPSC Category:Buffers CAS:[1135-40-6] Grade:High Purity DG:No Storage:18 to 25C Sterile:No Stock:Usually in Stock Documents INFO COA SDS Ā  Disclaimer:...

Coomassie brilliant blue R-250

Product Description Coomassie brilliant blue R-250 Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 has been used for many years for staining proteins on polyacrylamide electrophoresis gels. Improvement of sensitivity and background have been...

Spectinomycin dihydrochloride

Description Spectinomycin dihydrochloride Number of Containers:1 Refrigeration Requirements:Refrigerator Shipping Conditions:ICE UNSPSC Code:51101500 UNSPSC Category:Antibiotics and Antimycotics CAS:22189-32-8 Grade:USP DG:No Storage:2 to 8ā„ƒ Sterile:Yes Ā  Documents COA SDS Ā  Disclaimer: For...

Formaldehyde 37% Solution

Product Description Formaldehyde 37% SolutionTotal Product Size:1LIndividual Container Size:1 LNumber of Containers:1 Shipping Conditions:RT UNSPSC Code:12352200 UNSPSC Category:Biochemical Reagents Hazard Class:Class 3(8.1) Hazard UN:UN1198 Hazard PG:PGIII CAS:[50-00-0] Grade:Reagent DG:Yes Storage:18...

Green-DNA Dye

Description Green-DNA Dye Total Product Size:100UL Individual Container Size:100UL Number of Containers:1 Refrigeration Requirements:Refrigerator Shipping Conditions:ICE UNSPSC Code:12171500 UNSPSC Category:Electrophoresis Tracking Dyes Grade:Biotech DG:No Storage:2 to 8ā„ƒ Sterile:No Ā  Documents...


Product Description Caffeine: A popular central nervous system (CNS) stimulant. Caffeine is a well-known drug commonly used as a mild stimulant, found in dietary sources such as coffee, tea, and...

96 well RNA plate with membrane (960ul each well)

Description 96well RNA plate with membrane (960ul each well): The product is a colorless 96-well RNA plate with white RNase-free membrane and red O-ring. Our 96-well RNA plate offers a...

SDS, 20%(w/v) solution

Description Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) is an anionic surfactant used in a number of molecular biology applications. Its most notable feature is its denaturing action towards protein. Total Product Size:1L...


Description Lysostaphin Total Product Size:1mg Individual Container Size:1mg Number of Containers:1 Refrigeration Requirements:Freezer Shipping Conditions:ICE UNSPSC Code:12352204 UNSPSC Category:Other Enzymes CAS:[9011-93-2] Grade:Biotech DG:No Storage:(-15 to -20)Cā„ƒ Sterile:Yes Ā  Documents COA...

HEPES, sodium salt

Description HEPES, sodium salt: HEPES, sodium salt This product is designated as Biotechnology Performance Certified (BPC) reagent grade and meets the specifications of the USP, EP, and JP for reagent...


Description Streptavidin: Streptavidin is a tetrameric protein composed of four identical subunits. Each subunit binds one biotin molecule with a KD of ~1 x 10-15 M. The preparation contains an...

HEPES, free acid

Description HEPES, free acid: HEPES has been described as one of the best all-purpose buffers available for biological research. At most biological pHs the molecule is zwitterionic, and is effective...

Protein G Agarose Resin

Description Protein G Agarose Resin: Protein G Agarose Resin is recombinant protein G coupled to Sepharose 4 Fast Flow. Protein G Sepharose 4 Fast Flow offers:Broad IgG binding spectrum. Binding...

Guanidine Thiocyanate (GITC)

Description Guanidine Thiocyanate (Guanidinium thiocyanate or guanidinium isothiocyanate, GITC), a powerful protein denaturant, is most often used to inactivate endogenous RNases in the isolation of RNA from various tissues and...

Thiazolyl blue tetrazolium bromide (MTT)

Description Thiazolyl blue tetrazolium bromide (MTT) Total Product Size: T0793 (500mg) T0793 (1g) T0793 (5g) Number of Containers:1 Refrigeration Requirements:Refrigerator Shipping Conditions:ICE UNSPSC Code:12171500 UNSPSC Category:Dyes and Stains CAS:[298-93-1] Grade:Ultra...