qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

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qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Anti-CHO HCP Antibody SHENTEK®

Description Affinity purified sheep anti-CHO hcp antibody. The SHENTEK® Anti-CHO HCP Antibody is used to quantify the residue of CHO HCPs in biologic samples and validate the antibody coverage. Reactivity:...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Anti-E.coli (K-12 & Alkaline Lysis) HCP Antibody SHENTEK®

Description Affinity purified sheep anti-E.coli (K-12 & Alkaline Lysis) hcp antibody. The SHENTEK® Anti-E.coli (K-12 & Alkaline Lysis) HCP Antibody is used to quantify the residue of E.coli HCPs in...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Anti-E.coli (Protein Expression Strains) HCP Antibody SHENTEK®

Description Affinity purified sheep anti-E.coli (Protein Expression Strains) hcp antibody. The SHENTEK® Anti-E.coli (Protein Expression Strains) HCP Antibody is used to quantify the residue of E.coli HCPs in biologic samples...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Anti-HEK293 HCP Antibody SHENTEK®

Description Affinity purified sheep anti-HEK293 hcp antibody. The SHENTEK® Anti-HEK293 HCP Antibody is used to quantify the residue of HEK293 HCPs in biologic samples and validate the antibody coverage. Reactivity:...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits


Description Affinity purified sheep anti-MDCK hcp antibody. The SHENTEK® Anti-MDCK HCP Antibody is used to quantify the residue of MDCK HCPs in biologic samples and validate the antibody coverage. Reactivity:...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Anti-Sf9 HCP Antibody SHENTEK®

Description Affinity purified sheep anti-Sf9 hcp antibody. The SHENTEK® Anti-Sf9 HCP Antibody is used to quantify the residue of Sf9 HCPs in biologic samples and validate the antibody coverage. Size:...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Anti-Vero HCP Antibody SHENTEK®

Description Affinity purified sheep anti-Vero hcp antibody. The SHENTEK® Anti-Vero HCP Antibody is used to quantify the residue of Vero HCPs in biologic samples and validate the antibody coverage. Reactivity:...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Bacteria DNA Detection Kit MycoSHENTEK™

Description Bacteria DNA Detection Kit can qualitatively detect the presence of bacterial DNA in samples, covering approximately 92% of known bacterial species and aligning with nearly 60,000 bacterial DNA sequences...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

BAV-3 Detection Kit SHENTEK®

Description BAV-3 Detection Kit is a real-time qPCR test kit for rapid detection of Bovine Adenovirus type 3 (BAV-3) with high sensitivity and specificity. The SHENTEK® BAV-3 Detection Kit utilizes...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

BAV-3 Positive Control SHENTEK®

Description BAV-3 Positive Control serve as a positive control for Bovine Adenovirus type 3 (BAV-3) detection assay. The SHENTEK® BAV-3 Positive Control is a synthetic DNA template that is used...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) ELISA Kit SHENTEK®

Description This kit is suitable for the quantitation of residual bovine serum albumin (BSA) from in-process to end product. This SHENTEK® Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) ELISA Kit is based on...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Bovine Virus Detection Multiplex Kit (BVDV/REO-3/PI-3/BPV-3/BAV-3) SHENTEK®

Description Bovine Virus Detection Multiplex Kit is a real-time RT-qPCR test kit for rapid detection of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV), Reovirus 3 (REO-3), Bovine Parainfluenza 3 Virus (PI-3), Bovine...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

BPV-1 Detection Kit SHENTEK®

Description BPV-1 Detection Kit is a real-time qPCR test kit for rapid detection of Bovine Parvovirus type 1 (BPV-1) with high sensitivity and specificity. The SHENTEK® BPV-1 Detection Kit utilizes...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

BPV-1 Positive Control SHENTEK®

Description BPV-1 Positive Control serve as a positive control for Bovine Parvovirus type 1 (BPV-1) detection assay. The SHENTEK® BPV-1 Positive Control is a synthetic DNA template that is used...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

BPV-3 Positive Control Kit SHENTEK®

Description BPV-3 Positive Control Kit serve as a positive control for Bovine Parvovirus type 3 (BPV-3) detection assay. The SHENTEK® BPV-3 Positive Control is a synthetic DNA template that is...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

BVDV Detection Kit SHENTEK®

Description A real-time RT-qPCR test kit for rapid detection of Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV) with high sensitivity and specificity. The SHENTEK® BVDV Detection Kit utilizes the real-time RT-qPCR technology,...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

BVDV Positive Control SHENTEK®

Description BVDV Positive Control serve as a positive control for Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) detection assay. The SHENTEK® BVDV Positive Control is a synthetic DNA template that is used...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits


Description The CHO host cell protein elisa kit utilizes a Fed-batch CHO (K1&S) cell culture to produce HCPs, which are used for the generation of specific antibodies via sheep immunization. The...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits


Description The kit employs a solid-phase Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) with a double-antibody sandwich technique to detect residual CHO K1 host cell proteins in the samples. Polyclonal antibody specific to...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Deoxyribonuclease I (DNase) ELISA Kit SHENTEK®

Description This kit is suitable for the quantitative detection of residual DNase I in the manufacturing process of biologics such as mRNA vaccines/medicines. The SHENTEK® Deoxyribonuclease Ⅰ(DNase Ⅰ)ELISA Kit is...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

E.coli (K-12 & Alkaline Lysis) HCP ELISA Kit SHENTEK®

Description Different from traditional physical disintegration technique, the HCPs in the pDNA samples are exposed to high alkaline solutions and denatured during the extraction process, leading to a large difference...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

E.coli (Protein Expression Strains) HCP ELISA Kit (One-step ELISA) SHENTEK®

Description One-step ELISA Kit to quantify and characterize host cell proteins (HCPs) in products manufactured by expression in E.coli originated from BL21, such as interleukin (IL), recombinant human interferon (rhIFN),...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Fungi & Bacteria DNA Extraction Kit MicroSHENTEK®

Description Fungi & Bacteria DNA Extraction Kit is designed for extracting and purifying trace amounts of fungal and bacterial DNA from biological samples, including cell cultures such as master cell...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Fungi DNA Detection Kit MycoSHENTEK™

Description Fungi DNA Detection Kit can qualitatively detect the presence of fungal DNA in samples, covering approximately 92% of known fungal species and matching nearly 5,000 fungal DNA sequences (or...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits


Description This kit utilizes a solid-phase Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) with a double-antibody sandwich technique to detect residual host cell proteins (HCPs) from HEK293 cells in the sample. A polyclonal...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Human Serum Albumin (HSA) ELISA Kit (One-step ELISA) SHENTEK®

Description This kit is based on the solid-phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), utilizing a double antibody sandwich approach to detect the content of Human Serum Albumin (HSA) in samples. This...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Kanamycin ELISA Kit SHENTEK®

Description This kits intended for quantitative determination of kanamycin residues in plasmid DNA, that is used in the development of cell and gene therapies. The SHENTEK® Kanamycin ELISA Kit utilizes...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits


Description This kit is based on the solid-phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with a double-antibody sandwich technique to detect residual host cell proteins (HCPs) from MDCK cells. A sheep polyclonal...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

MVM Detection Kit SHENTEK®

Description MVM Detection Kit is a real-time qPCR test kit for rapid detection of  Minute Virus of Mice (MVM) contamination introduced by murine-derived cells (CHO, BHK, NS0, etc.), animal-derived raw...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

MVM Positive Control SHENTEK®

Description MVM Positive Control serves as a positive control for Minute Virus of Mice (MVM) detection assay. The SHENTEK® MVM Positive Control is a synthetic DNA template that is used...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Nonspecific Endonuclease (SMNE) ELISA Kit SHENTEK®

Description This kit is suitable for the quantitation of Nonspecific Endonuclease (SMNE) in purification process of bioproducts. It can detect genetically engineered endonucleases from Serratia marcescens, such as Benzonase® endonuclease....
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

P.pastoris HCP ELISA Kit (One-step ELISA) SHENTEK®

Description P. pastoris HCP ELISA Kit offers high sensitivity and specificity for detecting host cell proteins in Pichia pastoris systems. Ideal for biopharmaceutical development and quality control, this user-friendly kit...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

PCV-1 Positive Control SHENTEK®

Description PCV-1 Positive Control serves as a positive control for Porcine Circovirus type 1 (PCV-1) detection assay. The SHENTEK® PCV-1 Positive Control is a synthetic DNA template that is used...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

PCV-2 Positive Control SHENTEK®

Description PCV-2 Positive Control serves as a positive control for Porcine Circovirus type 2 (PCV-2) detection assay. The SHENTEK® PCV-2 Positive Control is a synthetic DNA template that is used...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

PI-3 Detection Kit SHENTEK™

Description PI-3 Detection Kit is a real-time RT-qPCR test kit for rapid detection of Bovine Parainfluenza3 Virus (PI-3) with high sensitivity and specificity. The SHENTEK® PI-3 Detection Kit utilizes the...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

PI-3 Positive Control SHENTEK®

Description PI-3 Positive Control serve as a positive control for Bovine Parainfluenza3 Virus (PI-3) detection assay. The SHENTEK® PI-3 Positive Control is a synthetic DNA template that is used to...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Porcine Circovirus (PCV-1) Detection Kit SHENTEK®

Description Porcine Circovirus (PCV-1) Detection Kit is a real-time qPCR test kit for rapid detection of Porcine Circovirus type 1 (PCV-1) introduced by animal-derived raw materials such as porcine trypsin...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Porcine Circovirus (PCV-2) Detection Kit SHENTEK®

Description A real-time qPCR test kit for rapid detection of Porcine Circovirus type 2 (PCV-2) introduced by animal-derived raw materials such as porcine trypsin in biological products. The SHENTEK® Porcine...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Porcine Trypsin ELISA Kit SHENTEK®

Description This kit is suitable for quantitative of porcine trypsin in downstream purification processes of biological products, capable of identifying commonly available recombinant porcine trypsin and trypsin derived from porcine...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Quantitative Fluorescence Reagent-100T-Uelandy Q2038S

Storage Store at 4°C and protect from light, Long-term storage can bestored at -20ºC. Expiration date marked on the outer packing. Description QbtestTM X-Green II dsDNA Quantitation Kit Plus is...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Quantitative Fluorescence Reagent-500T-Uelandy Q2038L

Storage Store at 4°C and protect from light, Long-term storage can be stored at -20ºC. Expiration date marked on the outer packing. Description QbtestTM X-Green II dsDNA Quantitation Kit Plus...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

rcAAV-2/N Quantitation Kit SHENTEK®

Description SHENTEK® rcAAV Quantitation testing Kit is suitable for qPCR detection of replication-competent adeno-associated virus (rcAAV) from cell culture harvested bulk and purified stock. This rcaav testing Kit is designed...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

rcAAV-5/N Quantitation Kit SHENTEK®

Description SHENTEK® rcAAV Quantitation Kit is suitable for qPCR detection of replication-competent adeno-associated virus (rcAAV) from cell culture harvested bulk and purified stock. This rcAAV-5/N Quantitation Kit is designed for...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

REO-3 Detection Kit SHENTEK®

Description REO-3 Detection Kit is a real-time RT-qPCR test kit for rapid detection of Reovirus 3 (REO-3) with high sensitivity and specificity. The SHENTEK® REO-3 Detection Kit utilizes the real-time...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

REO-3 Positive Control SHENTEK®

Description Reovirus type 3 serves as a positive control for Reovirus 3 (REO-3) detection assay. The SHENTEK® REO-3 Positive Control is a synthetic DNA template that is used to monitor...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Replication-Competent Lentivirus (RCL) Quantitation Kit SHENTEK®

Description SHENTEK® Replication-Competent Lentivirus (RCL) Quantitation Kit is used for the quantitative detection of replicable lentiviral RCL in cell therapy products and gene therapy products produced with lentiviral vectors, such...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Replication-Competent Retrovirus (RCR) Quantitation Kit SHENTEK®

Description SHENTEK® Replication-Competent Retrovirus (RCR) Quantitation Kit is used for the quantitative detection of Replication-Competent Retrovirus (RCR) in cell therapy products and gene therapy products produced with retrovirus vectors, such...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Residual BHK DNA Size Analysis Kit SHENTEK®

Description Residual BHK DNA Size Analysis Kit is used to quantitate BHK DNA residues of different fragment sizes in different stages of biopharmaceutical products, from in-process samples to final products....
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Residual CHO DNA Size Analysis Kit (2G) SHENTEK®

Description Residual CHO DNA Size Analysis Kit is used to quantitate CHO DNA residues of different fragment sizes in different stages of biopharmaceutical products, from in-process samples to final products....
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Residual E. coli DNA Size Analysis Kit (2G) SHENTEK®

Description Residual E. coli DNA Size Analysis Kit is used to quantitate residual E.coli DNA of different fragment sizes at various stages of biopharmaceutical products, from in-process samples to final...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Residual HPV18 E6/E7 DNA Size Analysis Kit SHENTEK®

Description Residual HPV18 E6/E7 DNA Size Analysis Kit is used to quantitate the residual HPV18 E6/E7 DNA fragments derived from HeLa cells. The SHENTEK® Residual HPV18 E6/E7 DNA Size Analysis...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Residual Human DNA Size Analysis Kit (2G) SHENTEK®

Description Residual Human DNA Size Analysis Kit (2G) for humans are used to quantitate Human DNA residues of different fragment sizes at varying stages of biopharmaceutical products, from in-process samples...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Residual MDCK DNA Size Analysis Kit SHENTEK®

Description Residual MDCK DNA Size Analysis Kit is used to quantitate MDCK DNA residues of different fragment sizes in different stages of biopharmaceutical products, from in-process samples to final products....
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Residual PG13 DNA Size Analysis Kit SHENTEK®

Description Residual PG13 DNA Size Analysis Kit is used to quantitate PG13 host DNA residues of different fragment sizes in different stages of biopharmaceutical products, from in-process samples to final...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Residual Sf9 Residual DNA Size Analysis Kit SHENTEK®

Description Residual Sf9 Residual DNA Size Analysis Kit is used to quantitate Sf9 DNA residues of different fragment sizes in different stages of biopharmaceutical products, from in-process samples to final...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits


Description Sf9 HCP ELISA Kit is based on the solid-phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with a double-antibody sandwich technique to detect residual host cell proteins (HCPs) from Sf9 cells. A sheep...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Trypsin-analog ELISA Kit SHENTEK®

Description This kit is intended for determining the presence of Trypsin-analog in biological product preparation processes, capable of identifying residual enzymes such as TrypLE™ from Thermo Fisher Scientific, Recombinant Trypsin...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits


Description This vero elisa kit is based on the solid-phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with a double-antibody sandwich technique to detect residual host cell proteins (HCPs) from vero cells. A...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Vesivirus 2117 Detection Kit SHENTEK®

Description Vesivirus 2117 Detection Kit is a real-time RT-qPCR test kit for rapid detection of Vesivirus 2117 contamination in mammalian cell lines (such as CHO cells) in biological products.\ The...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Vesivirus 2117 Positive Control SHENTEK®

Description Vesivirus 2117 Positive Control serves as a positive control for Vesivirus 2117 detection assay. The SHENTEK® Vesivirus 2117 Positive Control is a synthetic DNA template that is used to...
qPCR Quantitation & Analysis Kits

Virus DNA & RNA Extraction Kit SHENTEK®

Description SHENTEK® Virus DNA & RNA Extraction Kit is suitable for extraction of viral DNA and RNA from up to 107 cells, and also for nucleic acid extraction of harvested...

Discover high-performance qPCR kits for rapid detection of bacteria, fungi, adventitious viruses, and replication-competent viruses. Our kits also include advanced assays for residual host cell protein quantitation and process-related residue analysis to ensure precise and reliable results.