Properly cleaning and maintaining your CO2 Incubator is essential to maintaining a sterile cell culture. Learn about how MycGuard-1 sterilizes CO2 Incubator Water Baths preventing microbial growth.

Introduction to CO2 Incubators


A CO2 Incubator is a piece of laboratory equipment that is used proliferate and maintain cell cultures in a controlled environment. Using a CO2 Incubator, researchers are able to control variables such as temperature, humidity, and CO2 levels. These incubators allow scientists to meticulously control the environment of cell cultures allowing for advancements in egg production, in vitro fertilization, and pharmaceutical development.

CO2 Incubators have numerous distinct features which allow scientists to control their environment. We've identified four of the most important and relevant features of CO2 Incubators:

  1. 1. Contamination Control - Incubators are isolated from the outside environment to prevent cell contamination.
  2. 2. Temperature Control - Researchers can regulate the exact temperature of the incubators.
  3. 3. CO2, Oxygen Regulation - Researchers can set exact CO2 and Oxygen levels inside the chamber.
  4. 4. Humidity Control - Incubators control humidity levels, which is crucial for mammalian cell growth.

Additional features might include uniform air flow, LCD display, cell lockers, among other features. Different CO2 Incubator models may have different features.


Cleaning Your CO2 Incubator's Water Plates


The most crucial features of CO2 incubators are their ability to provide a sterile and precisely controlled environment for cell cultures. In order to maintain this sterile environment, it is critical to properly care for your CO2 Incubator. Failing to clean and maintain your CO2 Incubator could result in compromising your cell cultures and contaminating samples.

In particular, CO2 Incubators are vulnerable to contamination due to microbial growth inside of their water plates. These water plates are essential for regulating temperature inside the incubator, but provide a breeding ground for mycoplasma contamination. Recent research has found that untreated water plates often lead to contaminatory microbial growth <CITE>. To combat this, it's important to disinfect the water plate every 7-10 days using MycGuard-1 solution (100x) to disinfect the water plates.


How to Use MycGuard-1 Inside Your CO2 Incubator

  1. 1. Order MycGuard-1 Solution from Biofargo (in the quantity you require)
  2. 2. Access the water bath of your CO2 Incubator and note the amount of water inside
  3. 3. With a 1:100 ratio, add the appropriate amount of MycGuard-1 Solution into your water bath
  4. 4. Repeat every 7-10 days for best results

Unlike other disinfectants, MycGuard-1 Solution is specifically designed for CO2 Incubators. This solution is also shelf stable and can be stored at room temperature. Our MycGuard-1 solution is also exceptional for its high safety profile, including non-corrosive, non-irritating, and non-volatile. Furthermore, this solution completely degrades within 7-10 days and has shown no adverse reactions.

Using MycGuard-1 Solution is an essential step to ensuring your CO2 Incubator is sterile and a controlled environment for cell growth. To use this solution, we recommend the following steps:

By Xinzhi Wang


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