Nowadays, so many types of centrifuges are on the market, such as benchtop, hematocrit, highspeed, and micro centrifuges. They have easily become one of the most important commonly used lab devices around the world, helping scientists separate liquids of different densities, or separate solids from liquids. With the importance that...

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A lab centrifuge is a device that is used to separate fluids depending on their density. The centrifugal force achieved by spinning the vessel pushes the heavy materials to the outside. Laboratory centrifuges are used in academic and clinical fields and accomplish several centrifugal applications.  There are various laboratory centrifuges,...

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Correctly balancing tubes is critical for the efficient operation and safety of the laboratory centrifuge machine. You risk ruining the device or establishing a hazardous condition if those tubes are not perfectly adjusted. Even though a minor imbalance does not cause significant problems, it can still have a detrimental effect...

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