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Sku: 8012011
Categories: Current SalesOther Gels

Product Description

BioSci™ NewFlash Protein AnyKD PAGE kit is a product with a low acrylamide concentration, and adopts the latest gel technology to reduce the concentration of acrylamide and enhance the gelation rate. The kit is easy to use, and prepares gel quickly and safely.

Protein gel preparation is simple, and can be completed in 25 min by mixing resolving gels and stacking gels at the same time.

Protein gel electrophoresis can be completed either at 300V constant high voltage in about 25 min or at normal voltage.

The kit is suitable for separation and identification of 10-250 kDa protein, and there is no need to adjust the concentration of resolving gel according to protein molecular weight.

Component Specification
Stacking Gel SolutionA 50 mL
Stacking Gel Solution B 50 mL
Resolving Gel SolutionA 125 mL
Resolving Gel Solution B 125 mL
Ammonium Persulfate(APS) 0.5 g


The number of gels prepared per kit

0.75mm Mini-gel 1.0mm Mini-gel 1.5mm Mini-gel
62 pieces 50 pieces 33 pieces



It will keep for 12 months if stored away from light at 4℃.

Add 5 mL of deionized water to the ammonium persulfate (APS) tube to prepare 10% APS solution, and repack the solution into small portions for storage.



For in vitro study only. Not for use as a diagnostic reagent.



1. This product contains a small amount of acrylamide which is corrosive. For your safety and health, please wear a lab coat and disposable gloves.

2. This product is only used for scientific research by professionals and shall neither be used for clinical diagnosis, treatment, food or drugs nor stored in ordinary housing.


Operating Instructions

1. With BioSci™ NewFlash Protein AnyKD PAGE kit, uniformly mix resolving gel solutions A and B at a ratio of 1:1 (As a reference, for a 0.75/1.0/1.5 mm gel, respectively draw 2.0/2.5/3.8 mL of resolving gel solutionsAand B). Gel preparation can be completed in a 15 mL or 50 mL centrifuge tube.

2. With BioSci™ NewFlash Protein AnyKD PAGE kit, uniformly mix stacking gel solutions A and B at a ratio of 1:1 (As a reference, for a 0.75/1.0/1.5 mm gel, respectively draw 0.8/1.0/1.5 mL of stacking gel solutionsAand B).
Note: With this product, gelation is rapid. Do not wait for pouring the resolving gel into the glass pates to start the preparation of stacking gel. Excessive waiting time will lead to partial polymerization of the resolving gel, resulting in uneven division surface of resolving gel and stacking gel, which will influence the electrophoresis effect.

3. Add 10% APS solution to the resolving gel solution in step 1 (for 5 mL of resolving gel solution, add 50 µL of 10% APS solution), and pour the uniformly mixed resolving gel solution into the glass pates to a position 1.5 cm from the top of the front glass plate or 0.5 cm from teeth of a comb.
Note: When it is necessary to prepare more than one protein gels at one time, the amount of APS can be appropriately reduced to lower the gelation rate. Excessive APS will result in gel embrittlement.

4. Add 10% APS solution to the stacking gel solution in step 2 (for 2 mL of stacking gel solution, add 20 µL of 10% APS solution), and directly pour the uniformly mixed stacking gel solution on the resolving gel solution without waiting for solidification of the resolving gel solution.
Note: The kit can complete protein gel casting at one time without mixing stacking gel with resolving gel.

5. Insert the comb into the gel, and keep it standing for 15-20 min to wait for gel polymerization.
Note: Gels can be stored for several weeks at 4℃ in sealing bags with a small amount of electrophoresis buffer.

6. After gel polymerization, remove the comb, and purge gel pores with a 1 mL injector or a pipette for sample loading. It is recommended that BioSci™ ColorBand Prestained Protein Marker (Cat.No.8011021&8011031) shall be used to indicate the molecular weight of the protein samples on PAGE gel.

7. The electrophoresis of this product can be carried out rapidly in a conventional electrophoresis buffer.
The voltage can be set to a maximum of 300 V, at which electrophoresis can be completed in about 25 min. The current shall not exceed 140 mA. The voltage can be reduced if the current is too high (to avoid much heat).

Note: The electrophoresis of this product can be carried out at normal voltage.



When can I expect my order to ship?

Most orders are filled and shipped within 2-3 business days from the time they are received.

Our standard shipping usually take 2-5 days.

We also provide express shippping for time-sensitive deliveries. 

Email contact@biofargo.com if you have any requirements.


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