RNAsimple Total RNA Kit For the High-efficient Total RNA Extraction Using The Widely Used Centrifugal Column DP419 (50 preps) - Tiangen

RNAsimple Total RNA Kit For the High-efficient Total RNA Extraction Using The Widely Used Centrifugal Column DP419 (50 preps) - Tiangen



100% MONEY


Sku: RE-05021


The Forgene-RNA Isolation Kits for plants can quickly extract high-quality total RNA from plant samples with high content of polysaccharides and polyphenols.  It is cost-effective dual spin column kits for rapid RNA extraction, can efficiently extract high-purity and high-quality total RNA from a wide range of cell and tissue samples. 



  • The whole process is operated at room temperature (15-25°C), without ice bath and low temperature centrifugation.

  • Fast speed: Easy to operate and can be completed in 11 minutes.
  • Double column: Rapid column based purification of total RNA, which has both DNA-cleaning Column and RNA-Only column.

  • DNA-Cleaning Column specifically binds DNA, so that the kit can remove genomic DNA contamination without adding additional DNase. RNA-only Column and unique formula can efficiently purify RNA.

  • Safety: No hazardous organic solvents is required such as Trizol. 

  • High quality: The purified RNA is of high purity, free of protein and other impurities, and can meet various subsequent experiments. The whole kit is RNase-Free, no need to worry about RNA degradation.

Click to see the complete technical page 


Kit components

  • Buffer PRL1, Buffer PRL2
  • Buffer PRW1, Buffer PRW2
  • RNase-Free ddH2O, DNA-Cleaning Column
  • RNA-Only Column
  • Instructions

*Please wear gloves and take protective measures during the operation as Buffer cRL1 and Buffer RW1 contain irritation chaotropic salts.


 Work Flow


RNA Isolation Plus Kit for Plants was used to treat 20mg fresh leaves with high polysaccharide or polyphenol content. 5% of purified total RNA WAS USED TO RUN 1% agarose gel electrophoresis.

1. Banana 2. Ginkgo  3. Cotton 4. Pomegranate


Storage and Shelf Life

  • All procedures are carried out at room temperature (15-25℃), including centrifugation. Do not use ice bath or centrifuge at low temperature (4℃).
  • The sample should avoid repeated freezing and thawing, otherwise it will lead to the degradation of the extracted RNA and the yield of RNA will also decrease.
  • The yield and quality of RNA is tightly related to sample size and volume of elution. For every 500uL Buffer cRL1, the recommended maximum cell volume is 10^6.
  • Before using the kit, please add 2-hydroxyl-1-ethanethiol to Buffer cRL1 (10ul 2-hydroxyl-1-ethanethiol per 1mL Buffer cRL1). Buffer cRL1 can be stored at 4℃ for 1 month after adding 2-hydroxyl-1-ethanethiol. If the extracted RNA is not used to close full length cDNA, but only used for other downstream operations such as qPCR or sequencing analysis, it is not necessary to add 2-hydroxy-1-ethanethiol, and the result will not be affected.
  • Before using the kit, please add anhydrous ethanol to buffer cRL2 and Buffer RW2 referring to the label on the reagent bottle for the dosage.
  • The volume of elution should be no less than 20ul, otherwise it will influence RNA yield.
  • Please check if there is any precipitate in Buffer cRL1 and Buffer RW1. If the precipitate can be seen after storage at low temperature, the solution should be placed at room temperature (15-25℃) or 37℃ for a period of time. Use the solution after dissolving and blending.

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Most orders are filled and shipped within 2-3 business days from the time they are received.

Our standard shipping usually take 2-5 days.

We also provide express shippping for time-sensitive deliveries. 

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